Monday, November 28, 2011

Green House

So I had my first melt down with the house. Seriously, I was in tears, and Mark had to reassure me over and over that it will all look good.

I swear our roof looks green. We looked and looked at roofs for a long time trying to decide what we wanted. We gave the builder our color of choice, a nice charcoal grey - Estate Grey - to be exact; dark enough but not too dark. I really don't like the way it looks, but Marks says it will all look great when everything is on. I am hoping that he's right, but deep down I am feeling sorry for myself and my ugly green roof, because there is a lot of roof on this house.

I know you really can't tell the true color of the roof, but when you see it in person, don't tell me it looks green. I may just start to cry.

To end on a positive for today, at least the house is all covered and should be completely shingled by the end of the week. Get some windows and doors on and this place will ready for the snow. No more shoveling out kitchen for me. We really have been so blessed with amazing weather through this portion of the process. Guess it makes up for the crazy wet spring we had to delay the road.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The latest

Yesterday they had a bunch of workers onsite and got lots of work done. This pictures was taken earlier, and you can see some of the progress throughout the day. My FIL went and took three sets of pictures throughout the day. He had my MIL busy at the computer sending lots and lots of pictures. I am excited about going out to see it for myself tomorrow.

I now have a front porch. How fun!

They are suppose to be working on the gas lines inside too. We are unable to get a gas line out to our house, so I am having a propane tank installed. After building the road, the money tree dried up. It costs a more money than expected to put in a gas line. It's not my first choice, but it will have to do for now -- so no more gas cooktop for us. We also are putting in a pellet fireplace rather than a gas one. I'm a little scared about our utility bills.

The house is coming together. The boys are getting a little tired of the whole house thing for now; at least they don't seem too excited about looking at more pictures on the computer. But, when we go out there, they have themselves too much fun finding new things to do and exploring new areas.

This is above a garage looking down into the family room.

More concrete for the driveway. This slab connects to the two garages.

Friday, November 4, 2011

More Trusses and Stairs

Look at her now!!!!!

Yep, I'm getting myself a real house here! I can't wait to go out tomorrow and see the progress of the week. The stairs to the bonus rooms are in and they have started rolling out the flooring for the second level, along with some of those trusses.
All these photos have been from my great in-laws who keep us updated on the daily progress. We are trying to be good and not use our gas money for driving out to see the house each day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This afternoon I got word from our personal photographer that the crane lifter was onsite...not long after I had a "few pics" in the the Inbox - 66 to be exact. He is one great photographer!

So here's to getting a roof on this house. The snow fell this morning and left a trace, but let's hope we can close this up soon before anymore of that white stuff finds its way to our place.

The stairs are in, and I have two very excited boys! Now they can get down to the crawlspace with much more ease!!