Thursday, March 1, 2012


Just a few quick pics for my mom!!

The counter tops are installed and so are the sinks. I'm really loving the cabinets in the kitchen. The hood isn't all in yet, but I think it will look pretty good. The granite in the kitchen is darker than I thought it would be, but I just am happy when I stand in the kitchen and look around. I still can't believe it is my new kitchen. I love it!

The railing is now all installed. It will be stained to match the cabinets. I like how this turned out.

Island and prep sink - a fun place to make sugar cookies, do home work with the boys, or just sit around and have a little something to eat with my four favorite boys!

Look mom, I have a cutting board! I didn't even realize he had designed it into the kitchen.

Mark brought home our new pots last night. He ordered them from a lady at work. The ones we have now are looking pretty sad, but I had to get new ones because of the cook top we chose. It is an induction cook top and our pots won't work on it. What's a girl to do? Buy new ones, right?! They are nice and shiny stainless steel.

The lights were getting installed and it was amazing to actually turn a switch and have some of the lights come on. Pretty cool, huh! I have lights that actually work! We were short a fan and flood light on our lighting package. It took some time, but I got that all worked out yesterday.

The electrician needed more down rods to hang the big lights, so they weren't up yet, just sitting there waiting to be put in. I was a little disappointed to see that several of the lights that had been installed were not correct in their finish. I usually go along with things, and try not to cause any problems, but I have learned along the way of building a house there are some things you need to stand up for, and this was one of them. I called the lighting guy and asked that he change them out for the correct ones.

Not sure what to think about the light switches themselves. I had asked, via email - back in November, to have them upgraded to those flat ones rather than the toggle kind. I should have followed up more with my builder and ensured this would be upgraded. Needless to say, they are all in and are toggle. This time I'm not sure I should put up a stink about it either. I know that's a TON of work to get changed out.

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